The company details page provides essential information about the organisation from Name and Contact information, to Users of the Company.
You can access the Company Details section by clicking the "Company Details" icon on the menu.
ONLY Admins can access ‘Company Details’ Page
On the Company Details Page the User can see the Company’s Details - Company Name, Email, Phone Number, Address (first line of address and second line of address), City, Postal Code Country, Slug and Overview.
At the top right corner of the details card, the user can see the ‘Edit’ button if they want to make any changes on the Company details. Also, you can send an email to the Company by clicking the envelope icon next to the email address.
At the right of the details card, you can see the list of users of the Company, along with their role and status (Active or Deactivated).
Next to the details tab, you can see the Media and History Tab as well.
Media - Here you can upload an image. This will serve as the sharing image for when you share Jobs on Social Media.
History - from here you can see all the activity regarding the Company. History Logs can be filtered by Action (Created, Updated and All), From (date) - To (date) and you can Search for different history logs by: Username or Action.