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User management

The Users section allows administrators to manage user accounts, permissions and roles within the Adaptive ATS Interface. It provides control over access and functionality based on user roles.

To add Users follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'Users' section on the menu.

  2. Click on the 'Add a User' Button at the top right of the 'All Users' Page.

  3. Fill in the required information for the new user.

  4. Save the changes, and the new user will receive an email invitation to join Adaptive ATS.

If you are adding a new User as a Hiring Manager you have to first add the Client to whom the user belongs to.

If you have an Admin Account you can create other Admins/Recruiters/Hiring Managers. However, if you have a Recruiter Account, you’ll ONLY be able to create Hiring Manager Accounts, and Hiring Managers cannot create or add any user at all.

Users Listing Page:

On the "Users" page, you'll find a list of Users along with the following details: User’s Name, Email, Role, Phone Number, and Status (Active or Deactivated). Each User Card includes an 'Edit' button for updating or changing User details.

Searching and Filtering:

On the top of the User Page, you can see the “Search”, “Filter” and “Sort” bar. You can Search for Users by name, Filter by: Role or Status, or Sort them by: Name Alphabetical (Ascending/Descending), Created at (Newest/Oldest).

User Details Page:

Clicking on a User’s Name redirects to their details page, featuring information such as User’s Name, Phone Number, Email, Role, Status and and 'Edit' button. Users can be emailed directly from Adaptive ATS by clicking on the envelope icon next to their email address.

Within the User’s details page, there's a “History” segment displaying all activity related to that User. History Logs are filterable by Action (Created, Updated, Activate, Deactivate and All), From-To dates and searchable by Username or Action.

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